Saturday, May 3, 2014


prima share,Indonesian state was one of the countries in Southeast Asia , and became one of the pioneer , pioneer , and founder of the establishment of ASEAN . The geographical position of Indonesia is located between two oceans are the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean , and flanked by two continents , namely Asia and the continent of Australia .
According to Article 1 , paragraph 1 , Indonesia is a unitary state in the form of the Republic . According to the Constitution of 1945, sovereignty belongs to the people , and executed by the Constitution . System of government that is based on state law ( rechsstaat ) . In other words , government administrators are not based on other powers ( machsstaat ) . On the basis of this law , then Indonesia is not a country that absolutism ( unlimited power ) . Since the birth of the reform by the end of 1997, the nation of Indonesia has been a change in the Indonesian system , ie from a centralized to decentralized or regional autonomy .
After the enactment of the Constitution No. . 25 of 1999 on Financial Balance between Central and Regional Government , and Law. 28 of 1999 on the Implementation of the State Government is free of corruption , an early milestone of the implementation of the system of regional autonomy in Indonesia .
Here are some tools that state officials in Indonesia are becoming critical success of Indonesia in building and creating a desired goal state based on the 1945 Constitution .
Indonesian state government system can be interpreted in two parts , namely in the narrow sense and in a broader sense . In a narrow sense is composed of the executive branch of government , namely :
1 . Levels center . Includes the president and vice president , ministers and agencies that are within its scope 2 . Levels area include :
a. Province consisting of the governor and vice governor , assisted by a service - SINas
b . Cities and counties , led by the mayor and vice mayor or regent and vice regent , assisted by agencies , district , village headman or chief , as well as rw , rt or Kadus .
While in a broad sense includes all fittings dalah countries , namely the MPR , DPR , DPD , President and Vice President , CPC , MA , MK , KY , and specialized institutions ( the Commission , the Commission , and the Central Bank )
Government of Republic of Indonesia can not be separated from the Pancasila as the State and the Constitution as the Constitution . Between Pancasila and the Constitution of the relationship can be related , Pancasila Pancasila used are set out in the Preamble to the Constitution . In the elaboration of constitutional Constitution is the basic essence of Pancasila .
The system of government in the world today consists of the Presidential and Parliamentary . There are some differences between the two systems . In a presidential system the focus is on presidential power , while the country with the focus of parliamentary power is in parliament , not the President or the Prime Minister .
In Indonesia, the country fittings consist of :
1 . The Executive , namely institutions that manage state government agencies in both the central and regional levels . At the central level , headed by the president and vice president . Sedangkat by the provincial governor and vice governor , for the next tungkat city government headed by the mayor and vice mayor and district by district heads and Wabub . The principal tasks of the institute is to carry out administration .
2 . Legislature that includes DPR , Provincial DPRD , DPRD city / county and DPD . Parliament and Council are elected through political parties in the election , while the DPD selected through nonparpol and non- military in the elections . The key task of the Parliament is to make laws together with the government , while the DPD kedaeraan filed a bill to be discussed with the House .
3 . Constitutive . This institution is the embodiment of merging the power of the legislature . If the DPR and DPD combines self and convened according to the Act , it will form the MPR . MPR memfunyai many tasks and the most important is to change the Constitution and menentapkan
4 . Eksaminatif or CPC is authorized institution menaudit financial condition of the state . The results of this monitoring will be reported to the DRP to be studied .
5 . Judiciary . Judiciary consists of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Court , and KY . Each of these institutions have their respective functions in accordance with Law . MA serves hear the case on appeal and examine the legislation under the Act . While the Court has tested these laws function above Act and dissolve political parties . While KY useful to determine the nominees .
In the Indonesian government if the president died or was unable to then vice-president who succeeded him . But if both are absent or deceased then there are three ministers who had to replace them at the same time , the interior minister , foreign minister , and Minister of Defense and within the deadline set by law . Period shake a president or vice president is 5 years or 1 period . Neither the president nor the vice president may be re-elected for the same handshake only for one period . So the president and vice president can assume the same for the two periods .

1 . The People's Consultative Assembly ( MPR )

Based on the original manuscript of the 1945 Constitution stated that sovereignty is in tanganrakyat and performed entirely by the People's Consultative Assembly . In other words pemegag MPR is the organizer and popular sovereignty . MPR is considered to be the embodiment of the people who hold the sovereignty of the state ( Vertretungsorgan des Willems des Staatvolkes ) .
However, after the amendment of the 1945 Constitution , the content of Article 1, paragraph ( 2 ) becomes " Sovereignty belongs to the people and carried out in accordance with the Constitution " . So after the amendment of pure sovereignty in the hands of the people who further regulated under the provisions of the Act .
Whereas in Article 2 paragraph ( 1 ) that the People's Consultative Assembly made ​​up of members of the House of Representatives ( DPR ) and the Regional Representatives Council ( DPD ) are elected through general elections and further regulated by law . Membership of the Assembly was established by Presidential Decree ( Article 3 of the Law on the Structure MPR ) . The period of membership of the MPR handshake is five years and will expire when the new membership of the Assembly take an oath or promise .
Majslis leadership structures in the People's Consultative Assembly consists of one chairman and three vice- chairman of the elements comprising the DPR and DPD were selected from members and by members of the Assembly in plenary session of the Assembly . According to Article 7 of Law Susduk the Assembly , if the Assembly leadership has not been formed , then the siding leaders led by interim leader MPR , the head of the House , the chairman and the deputy chairman of the Council while the MPR .
If the chairman is absent then the DPR and DPD can be replaced by deputy chairman and deputy chairman of the House DPD . Peremian as chairman of the Assembly while the Assembly is done through a Decision . People's Consultative Assembly under Article 2 UUD 1945 , convened at least once every five years . In other words, if it is possible or necessary, then for five years the council can do more than one trial .

Proceedings it can be done in certain circumstances . Types of proceedings in the Assembly is as follows :
1 ) Session of the General Assembly session that is conducted at the beginning of the tenure of the Assembly membership .
2 ) Annual Session of the Assembly session that is conducted every year .
3 ) Assembly Special Session Assembly is held outside the General Assembly and Annual Meeting . Or hearing conducted under special conditions .

In addition to knowing the above three types of trials , the Assembly also recognize 7 types of council meetings . Meetings conducted by the Council are:
1 ) Plenary Session of the Assembly
2 ) Joint Meeting with the Chairman of the Governing Council - Chairman of the Commission or Council Ad Hoc Committee
3 ) Meeting of the Governing Council
4 ) Working Committee Meeting of Council
5 ) Assembly Commission Meeting
6 ) Assembly Meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee
7 ) Meeting of the Assembly Faction

Aside from the above, the Assembly also has the power of different laws in issuing regulations . In issuing regulations assemblies have different strengths , namely the provision and decision .
1 ) People's Consultative Assembly Decree
MPR Decree is the verdict of the panel that has binding legal force in and out of the assembly . Thus the prevailing MPR decree must be obeyed by state institutions and all subjects of Indonesia as a whole .
2 ) The decision of the People 's Consultative Assembly
The decision is a decision of the Assembly which have binding legal force to the assembly . MPR only has binding legal force MPR institutions alone , so a decision is not binding on the Assembly fittings other countries , including citizens .

To carry out the task entrusted to her people , the MPR has several duties and powers .
1 ) Changing the constitution and establish
2 ) Installs the president and vice president elected by the Assembly in plenary session
3 ) Decide on the House proposal is based on the decision of the constitutional court to dismiss the president and vice president in his tenure as president and vice president were given the opportunity to submit an explanation in the plenary session of the Assembly
4 ) Installs the vice president becomes president if the president die, resign , dismissed , or unable to perform the obligations under his tenure
5 ) Choose the vice president of the two presidential nominee when experiencing vacant position of vice president in his tenure , no later than 60 days during
6 ) Selecting the president and vice president if both stopped simultaneously in jabatanya period , two packets of candidates nominated by the political party or coalition of political parties , which package the president and vice president candidates won the first and second most votes in the previous election , until the expiration of the office no later than within 30 days
7 ) Establish a code of conduct and discipline MPR